by Heather Winkeljohn & Dr. Anita Del Prete
Heather Winkeljohn, Health Educator and owner of the JW Nutrition Program works with clients who want to improve their overall health and diet. Heather holds a BA degree in Psychology and Education, she is certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition™, and is currently a nursing student.
One common factor we all struggle with, is the effect of stress on our bodies and more specifically, the gut. Our modern lifestyle is loaded with STRESS! Along with the daily stress of life (work, family, jobs), there is a battle we have going on inside of us. There is a constant war waged on us by medications, diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, infections, and viruses. Many times this war begins in the gut, which is the first line of defense in our battle to maintain our health.
It’s no secret that we have an epidemic of obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease or we just don’t feel well. How do we lose weight? How do you know which food to buy? Should you eat dairy, gluten free or the “Paleo diet”? So many questions! Stop guessing and start testing.
Heather coaches many clients (of many ages), and at the corporate level in nutrition and exercise. Heather uses a variety of tools, labs, and strategies to help you reach your goals. She draws from her personal experience of her own autoimmune issues, and her family's medical struggles, as well as her former career conducting hundreds of assessments in homes, on special needs children/babies for the State of NM.
For more information or to schedule an appointment email to:
What can make the #1 MMA Gym in the World even better?
An IN-HOUSE nutrition specialist!!!
JW MMA Academy is committed to EVERY aspect of training, including nutrition. Dr. Anita DelPrete works with athletes at the JW MMA Academy by providing coaching and nutritional education in the areas of meal planning and weight management, in a manner that utilizes the athlete’s most FIERCE performance.

Her program, Nutrition for the Fierce Athlete®, combines nutritional education and meal planning strategies geared towards optimizing an athlete’s health as well as performance. Education is critical: Once you know better you can do better, feel better and perform better! Every fighter is different: different body composition, different training schedules and different nutritional goals. The reality is that when you are an elite athlete a cookie cutter “one size fits all” diet isn’t going to cut it. As Dr. Anita says, Don’t be Average, Be Fierce!
Dr. Anita Del Prete completed undergraduate studies at Emory University, post-baccalaureate studies at Georgia State University and graduate studies at Clayton College of Natural Health and the University of Natural Medicine earning a masters in Holistic Nutrition and doctorate in Natural Health Sciences respectively. Her book A Wellness Revolution: It Starts with You! (available at Amazon.com) examines habits that have opened doors to sickness and disease resulting in a health crisis and obesity epidemic in the U.S.
Our nutritional approach is leading the MMA industry by providing our athletes with both,
high quality products and education!!!
For more information or to schedule an appointment email to:
* Disclaimer - We are not registered dietician or MDs. The information provided by Chew The Fat, JW Academy, Fierce Nutrition, and any of our representatives is for educational purposes ONLY, and is NOT intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor are they meant to encourage diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, or other medical problems. Always seek professional medical advice from your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
The information should not be regarded as a substitute for professional medical treatment, and while every case has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the content, the author cannot accept legal responsibility for any problems arising from experimentation with the information described. Any application of suggestion set forth in the following portions of this website is at the reader's discretion and sole risk. Implementation or experimentation with any supplements, herbs, dietary changes, medications, etc. is done so at your sole risk and responsibility and should be discussed with your personal physician first. Finally, Chew The Fat, JW Academy, Dr. Anita Del Prete, and Heather Winkeljohn, provide consultation, however by no means are these consultants a substitute for your physician.